What makes a strong brand?

A strong brand name has less to do with what it sounds like and more with what it says about the product or service.

A strong brand name has less to do with what it sounds like and more with what it says about the product or service.

A good brand name should be easy for customers to remember, type, pronounce and spell. The most important thing is that people associate your business with a positive emotion, such as confidence or trustworthiness—not just “good” or “nice,” but something more specific like “smart” or “funny.”

It needs to be memorable, simple and easy to spell, pronounce and remember.

  • It should be easy to spell, pronounce and remember.
  • It needs to be short and simple.
  • The brand name needs to be memorable so customers will associate it with your product or service when they see it on the shelf or online.

It should not be too long or too short.

  • A strong brand should be neither too long nor too short. The best brands are easy to read, spell and pronounce. If you want to make sure that your brand stays consistent over time, consider keeping it short and simple so that it’s not hard for anyone who sees it on an ad or marketing campaign (or in any other place) to remember the company stands for.

It should have a variety of letters, but only one is important.

A strong brand name has less to do with what it sounds like and more with what it says about the product or service. It needs to be memorable, simple and easy to spell, pronounce and remember.

For example, Apple (Apple Computer) was chosen by Steve Jobs because he wanted his company’s products to be associated with technology that was sleek and easy to use. He also wanted them named after fruit—apples are sweet; computers are futuristic, so apple is perfect for both products!

It should contain meaningful words that are easy to say, write and read, like “laptop” instead of “laptops.”

A strong brand should contain meaningful words that are easy to say, write and read, like “laptop” instead of “laptops.”

The first part is easy: It should contain meaningful words that are easy to say and write. The second part is a bit more complicated: It should also contain easy-to-read words. This is because if people can’t read your content quickly enough or understand what you’re trying to say on a website or in an ad campaign (or whatever), no one will click on it!

The third part is even more important than the second two: You want your brand’s name itself – whether it’s a product line or person – to be memorable, so people don’t forget how much they love their laptop or smartphone company after using one for only a few days!

It shouldn’t use many uppercase or lowercase letters in any one word because that makes it harder to read quickly.

A strong brand should use uppercase letters for important words and lowercase letters for words that are not important.

In the case of a web page, you need to be careful with your use of acronyms (e.g., “IBM”), which can make it hard to read if they’re all capitalized together. For example:

  • If there are any acronyms used on the page, they should be followed by a colon and then written out in full, e.g., IBM Corp instead of IBM Corp; Google Inc instead of Google Inc
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